Sunday, October 13, 2013


There are so many great things to say about Empower Network, perhaps the best thing about EN’s blogging system is you can blog about whatever you want. So, for example, let’s say you are currently trying to make money online as an Amazon affiliate offering cell phones or other electronic devices. You can post about those goods and give out your affiliate links on your blog, and as you promote your blog, you’re also promoting your affiliate links. Perhaps you have an “Offline” (brick & mortar) business like a beauty salon or a coffee shop, a great way to promote your business along with different specials, functions and events is to do so through your blog. You can also use it to provide for yourself a second stream of income! What if you don’t have an “Online” or “Offline” business? Well, if you’re looking for a way to supplement your income or even replace it your Empower Network blog can be your main business.
You can use the system to promote whatever you want, it’s your blog. The MAGIC happens when people visit your blog and they heed your “CTA”, that’s Call To Action encouraging them to see the Empower Network videos. When they do this they’ll learn about the program and even though not everyone will join many of them will.
BUT WAIT! THAT’S NOT ALL – The founders of Empower Network just made the fine art of MAKING MONEY by way of a blog site that much easier with Empower Network version 2, which they have hailed as the “Blog Beast”.
Blog Beast has several features that were not in version 1. First, users can now maintain and operate multiple blogs from one account. This makes Blog Beast both faster and easier to use than it’s predecessor.
Empower Network’s Blog Beast Mobile App
Another cool feature of Blog Beast is the mobile app, which allows users to sync Blog Beast on their computer and smartphone. Unlike other mobile apps, the mobile app with Blog Beast has numerous new features that enable users to use Blog Beast anywhere.
“When you start getting into the setup, maintenance and advance features, WordPress really is a difficult pain,” said President David Sharpe. “It was designed to be super user-friendly. Over time, it’s become more and more complicated. Whether you agree or you don’t, we’ve decided to make blogging easy so anyone could do it, even a grandma who’s new to the Internet. Blog Beast is everything WordPress was originally meant to be.”
Empower Network Blog Beast allows users to record video and audio with the mobile app. With only two clicks, users can submit any type of content to their blog. This allows users to use Blog Beast regardless of technical knowledge.
Sharing is also incredibly easy. Users can share and post content from all blogs in the network. However, credit is still given to the original author.
Users can also create premium content, which requires users to complete a call to action and upgrade their accounts to view it.
Blog Beast Features
“We wanted to create an atmosphere where no matter where you are and what your idea is, you can put it on your blog when inspiration strikes,” Sharpe said. “That’s one of the many ways we are changing the viral blogging industry. Imagine building and managing a business from your phone.”
In Closing….
Empower Network hosts one of the largest blogging communities and publishing platforms online. Empower also offers leadership training products and services to online marketers and small business owners. Empower Network also maintains an affiliate program in which affiliates can earn commissions from the sales of Empower Network Products.
Click on the link banner below for more details on how you can become an Empower Network affiliate and start earning a part time or even full time income, the ball is now in your court!
Your friend Manny!

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